Academic Dishonesty Policy
Students of Norwalk Community College are expected to do their own work on assignments, laboratory exercises, quizzes, examination, and any other academic work. Academic dishonesty ultimately injures the individual and depreciates the value of grades received by other students. Cheating in any form is viewed by the faculty, the students, and the administration as a most serious offense.
Definition of Academic Dishonesty
- Cheating on examinations and/or quizzes.
- Collaborating with others in work to be presented if contrary to the stated rules of the course.
- Plagiarizing, including the submission of others’ ideas or papers (whether purchased, borrowed, or otherwise obtained, from any source, including the Internet) as one’s own work.
- Stealing or unauthorized access to examinations or course material.
- Falsifying records, laboratory results or other data.
- Submitting, if contrary to the rules of a course, work previously presented in another course.
- Submitting all or part of any free or purchased essay from the Internet as one’s own work.
- Copying and pasting any material from the Internet, without proper documentation, as one’s own work.
- Knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above, including assistance in an arrangement whereby any work, classroom performance, examination, or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed.
- The use of any electronic media or device for the transmission and/or recording of class material, unless authorized by the instructor.
Due Process Protection
Academic honesty violations are considered disciplinary misconduct and hence are covered by the same due process protections afforded students in other misconduct situations of a disciplinary nature. When the issue involves the determination of questions of fact (whether the student passed or failed course requirements), it is characterized as disciplinary and appropriate due process protections are afforded. The College incorporates incidents of academic dishonesty into its existing due process disciplinary procedures. Therefore, the discipline procedures as described will be followed in any case of academic dishonesty.
If a faculty member has reason to believe that the academic dishonesty policy has been violated, this will be reflected in the student’s grade. The student should be informed of this violation prior to the grade change. The grade may be changed up to one year after the submission of final grades. The student shall have the opportunity to appeal this grade change to the Dean of Students and the Academic Dean.
Penalties for Academic Dishonesty
It is recommended that on the first instance of academic dishonesty, following a discussion with the student, the faculty member shall give the student an F on the paper or examination in question. This action must result in a final grade for the course at least one letter grade lower than it otherwise would have been. The Dean of Students and the Academic Dean shall be informed of the incident in writing. A written acknowledgment of receipt of the reports shall be sent to the faculty member concerned. The reports shall also be kept on file in the Deans’ offices for a period of 10 years.
A second instance of academic dishonesty (either in the same course or in another course) will result in an automatic F in the course in which the second infraction occurred. The student will be dropped from the course and be barred from further class participation. Again, the Dean of Students and the Academic Dean shall be advised in writing by the faculty member. A written acknowledgment of receipt of the reports shall be sent to the faculty member concerned. The reports shall also be kept on file in the Deans’ offices for a period of ten years. The Dean of Students or the Academic Dean must meet with the student involved and apprise the student of the consequences of the second offense.
A third instance of academic dishonesty on the part of a student shall be grounds for dismissal from the College. As before, the faculty member involved will advise the Dean of Students and the Academic Dean in writing and written acknowledgment of receipt of the reports shall be given. The case will be referred to the Student Conduct Committee. Should a violation of academic dishonesty be found but dismissal not be recommended, the penalty for a second incident of academic dishonesty (see above) shall stand.
It is the responsibility of the Academic Dean (or the Dean of Students) to inform the faculty member of all previous instances of academic dishonesty after the first offense.
If a student, staff, or faculty member other than the instructor teaching the class discovers an instance of academic dishonesty, he or she will inform the Dean of Students in writing. The Dean of Students will report the instance to the faculty member instructing the course, the Academic Dean and the Department Chair.
Flagrant violations of ethical conduct, such as illegally obtaining, circulating and/or selling examinations or previously written term papers, will be reviewed by the Student Conduct Committee. This group is empowered to recommend dismissal from the College in such a case, even if it is the student’s first violation.
All students must meet with their faculty advisors prior to registration for classes and other times as needed. Advisors are assigned to students according to curriculum and program area.
At Norwalk Community College, attending class is required for successful completion of the course. Missing scheduled classes will, in most cases, have an increasingly negative effect on a student’s grade. Being absent for more than 20% of scheduled classes may result in a grade of F for the course. Students must consult their syllabus for each course to determine the attendance policy for that course.
Academic Standing
Total Credits Attempted |
Good Standing |
Warning |
Probation |
Suspension |
0-11 |
1.6 - 4.0 |
Below 1.5 |
n/a |
n/a |
12-30 |
1.7 - 4.0 |
n/a |
Below 1.7 |
Below 1.7 and prior probation for one semester |
31-45 |
2.0 - 4.0 |
n/a |
Below 1.9 |
Below 1.9 and prior probation for one semester |
46 or more |
2.0 - 4.0 |
n/a |
Below 2.0 |
Below 2.0 and prior probation for one semester |
Written Academic Warning
A written academic warning will be issued to all students who have attempted 11 credits or less with a GPA below 1.5.
Students will be placed on academic probation as a result of the following conditions:
- Students whose total attempted credits are between 12-30 and whose GPA is below 1.7; OR
- Students whose total attempted credits are between 31-45, and whose GPA is below 1.9; OR
- Students whose total attempted credits are 46 or more and whose GPA is below 2.0.
Students who, after being placed on academic probation for one semester, and after taking a reduced course load of no more than two classes, fail to attain the required GPA as shown above, will be notified in writing that they are suspended for one semester. Students on suspension may be separated from the College for a period of one semester.
Statement of Satisfactory Progress
Student records are reviewed at the end of each semester. Students who fail to maintain good academic standing will be placed on academic warning, probation, or suspension for: (1) failing to maintain the required GPA, or (2) failing to pass the required number of attempted credits for satisfactory progress.
- This policy shall be applicable to all students enrolled for developmental and/or credit courses, no matter the number of credits for which they are enrolled.
- Transfer credit must be applied and appear on the NCC transcript in order to count toward an NCC degree or certificate.
- Satisfactory completion of 50% of the courses attempted (this phrase means actual continued enrollment beyond the add/drop period) will be the minimum standard for good standing.
- Students placed on academic probation will be required to take a reduced course load for one semester and will be required to participate in academic success and personal enrichment activities that are designed to support and assist students who are on probation.
- After the period of suspension, students may be reinstated, either as regular or probationary students, upon application to the College.
- Appeals should be directed to the Office of the Director of Counseling.
Grading System
NCC uses the system of values below for grades awarded. These values are used for calculations of grades, averages and related matters.
Grade |
Percentage |
Quality Points |
A |
93 and higher |
4.0 |
A- |
90-92 |
3.7 |
B+ |
87-89 |
3.3 |
B |
83-86 |
3.0 |
B- |
80-82 |
2.7 |
C+ |
77-79 |
2.3 |
C |
73-76 |
2.0 |
C- |
70-72 |
1.7 |
D+ |
67-69 |
1.3 |
D |
63-66 |
1.0 |
D- |
60-62 |
0.7 |
F |
59 or less |
0.0 |
Failure to Register
Students must enroll in a course to attend the class. Non-enrolled students will earn no credit or letter grade for courses or parts of courses completed.
Grade Changes
No grade will be changed after twelve months following the conclusion of the semester in which the course was taken. No grade will be changed after a degree or certificate has been officially awarded.
Calculations of Grade Point Average (GPA)
Each letter grade is rated as follows to determine GPA:
A |
4.0 |
B- |
2.7 |
D+ |
1.3 |
A- |
3.7 |
C+ |
2.3 |
D |
1.0 |
B+ |
3.3 |
C |
2.0 |
D- |
0.7 |
B |
3.0 |
C- |
1.7 |
F |
0.0 |
The numerical weight allocated to each grade is multiplied by the semester hours of credit assigned to each course. For example, a grade of C in a three-credit course will earn six grade points (3 x 2). The total number of grade points earned in a given semester is reached by multiplying the numerical grade points (C=2) by the total number of semester hours of credit (3) officially attempted.
Example: A student takes five courses:
Grades |
Semester Hours of Credit |
Total Grade Points |
A = 4 x |
4 |
16 |
A = 4 x |
3 |
12 |
B = 3 x |
3 |
9 |
C = 2 x |
3 |
6 |
D = 1 x |
3 |
3 |
The cumulative GPA is determined by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of semester hours of credit of all courses a student has taken, excepting non-credit courses. In this example, 46 grade points divided by 16 semester hours of credit equals a semester GPA of 2.87.
Grade Reports
Grades are submitted online. Reports on mid-semester grades and final grades in all courses will be available to students on-line at or click on the myCommNet link on the NCC home page approximately one week after the mid-term and two weeks after the final exam periods.
Repeating Courses
A student may take a course until a grade of C or better is achieved, a maximum of three times. In order to override this policy, a student must attend academic advisement and gain both the department chair’s and Academic Dean’s approval. All grades will appear on the permanent transcript. All grades recorded and transcript notations (W, AU, P, I, N and TR) shall count as having taken the course. The highest grade for any given course will be used in calculating the grade point average. This does not apply to those courses that are designed to be repeated for additional credit.
Transcript Designations: Letters Other than A-F
AU : Audit
An administrative transcript notation for students auditing a course. Students not wishing credit may audit a course. This status allows them to participate in class activities without being required to meet the examination requirements of the course. Students may ask to have papers critiqued, but faculty members are not required to grade an auditor’s course work. Full tuition and fees are charged for courses audited. A student who wishes to change from credit to audit status must request this, using forms available in the Records Office, within the first four weeks of the beginning of the course (29% of the total class meeting time). Students auditing a course may not change to credit status.
I: Incomplete
A temporary grade assigned by the faculty member when course work is missing and the student agrees to complete the requirements. This temporary Incomplete will automatically convert to the letter grade of F at the end of the next standard semester.
M #: Maintaining Progress
Used to indicate that the student is maintaining progress, but not at the usual rate and must repeat the course. It may be given to a student for a course only twice. This grade is only to be assigned for developmental courses.
N: No basis for a grade
An administrative transcript notation for any situation where there is no basis for a grade.
P: Pass
Assigned for successful completion of courses taken on a pass/fail basis
TR: Transfer
An administrative transcript notation in lieu of grades for courses accepted for credit from other colleges and universities. A student cannot earn institutional credit and transfer credit for the same course. NCC institutional credit prevails.
W: Withdrawal
An administrative transcript notation, initiated by the student, is used to indicate that a student is withdrawn from a course in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the College. Requests to drop or withdraw from a course must be submitted in writing to the Records Office. Students may also withdraw on the web. Students receiving financial aid and/or veteran’s assistance should contact the appropriate office before dropping or withdrawing from courses.
Procedures for Course Withdrawal
Fall and Spring Semester Full-Term Courses
- First two weeks of the semester: A student may withdraw from a course online through their myCommNet account or by submitting the add/drop form to the Records Office. The course will not appear on the transcript.
- Third through 11th week of the semester: A student may withdraw from a course by submitting a withdrawal form to the Records Office. A grade of “W” will appear on the transcript.
- Twelfth through last day of classes: A student may submit a written petition to the Academic Dean to withdraw from a course due to extenuating circumstances (such as the death of a family member, or serious illness or injury). The petition form can be obtained from the Academic Dean’s office. If the petition is approved by the Academic Dean, a grade of “W” will appear on the transcript. Paperwork must be brought to the Records Office, room E102, for processing.
Time Limit for Removing Incompletes
Incompletes must be made up by the end of the 10th week of the next standard semester. Spring and Summer session incompletes must be made up by the end of the 10th week of the subsequent fall semester. Students are responsible for making timely arrangements with the instructor to complete any missing coursework or obligations.
Mid-Term Grades
Mid-term grades are submitted online and made available to students via their myCommNet accounts. All grades are to be reported by the faculty. For those grades above D or F, faculty have the option of reporting them as P for passing or as a letter grade.
Change of Schedule
The student’s schedule may only be changed through the Records Office or online through their myCommNet account at specified times. Any addition or deletion of a course or a section of a course made after completion of a student’s registration is considered a change of schedule. No changes are permitted that would necessitate starting a course more than one week after the course has begun without the approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs.
Change of Academic Program/Curriculum
For non-restricted programs, students are encouraged to consult with chairs or coordinators of the particular departments. Students must process these program changes through the Records Office. Proof of high school completion or GED and proof of immunization may be required if not previously submitted. For Nursing, Medical Assistant, Respiratory Care, and Legal Assistant Programs the approval is granted and processed by the Admissions Office. (See Admission to Competitive Programs in the Admissions section.)
Change of Address
Students are responsible for notifying the Records Office in writing of a change of legal residence. P.O. boxes are not considered legal addresses. In order to list a P.O. box as a mailing address, the Records Office also needs a permanent address. Students may update mailing addresses online through their myCommNet accounts.
Change of Name
Students are responsible for providing the Records Office with legal documentation of legal name change at the time of submitting the written request. A valid driver’s license or passport in the new name, as well as a court order marriage certificate or divorce decree detailing the name change are required.
English Requirement
Students must meet the English Competency Requirement as follows. They are strongly encouraged to satisfy this requirement within the first 12 credits.
- Degree Students - Successful completion of ENG 101 Composition and ENG 102 Literature and Composition .
- Certificate Students - Those enrolled in Certificate Programs of 16 credits or less must place into ENG 101 Composition or ENG 101 and ENG 101W , transfer an equivalent course, or successfully complete ENG 088. Those enrolled in Certificate Programs of 17 credits or more must successfully complete ENG 101 Composition or transfer an equivalent course.
Veterans and Reservists
In order to continue to receive veteran tuition benefits, a veteran must remain in good academic standing by meeting the minimum GPA and satisfactory progress standards listed in this catalog.
Veterans who do not maintain the required standards will be placed on academic probation. If at the end of the marking period, the veteran has not raised his/her GPA and/or courses completed to the required standard, veterans benefits will be terminated and the Veterans Administration so notified. Once the veteran has returned to good standing, his/her benefits will be reinstated.
Ordered to Duty
In the event that students serving in the military are ordered for training, service or deployment, it is recommended they meet with the Veterans Certifying Official in the Records Office as soon as possible to discuss options regarding course work and academic records.
Academic Honors
Honors for exemplary academic achievement are awarded at the end of each semester and at graduation to students who meet the following eligibility requirements:
Semester Honors (Dean’s List)
Full-time students who are matriculated in a certificate or degree program and who successfully complete 12 or more credits of work in a semester with a grade point average of 3.4 or higher shall be recognized by having their names placed on a Dean’s List.
Part-time students who are matriculated in a certificate or degree program are also eligible for such recognition as they complete 12 or more credits of work with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or higher, beginning with the fall 2013 semester. They may be subsequently recognized at the completion of an additional 12 or more credits of work with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or higher, and at successive intervals of 12 credits.
A course Withdrawal or Incomplete shall make the student ineligible for Dean’s List recognition that semester. Upon completion of the Incomplete, the student may be recognized retroactively.
Students who are in a probationary status are not eligible for Dean’s List recognition, even if their cumulative grade point average might otherwise make them eligible.
Graduation Honors
Students with exemplary academic performance shall be recognized at graduation with the following designations, either in Latin or English, as the College may choose:
- Summa Cum Laude / Highest Honors for students with a 3.9 - 4.0 grade point average
- Magna Cum Laude / High Honors for students with a 3.7 - 3.89 grade point average
- Cum Laude / Honors for students with a 3.4 - 3.69 grade point average
Students with an Incomplete may become eligible retroactively for graduation honors upon completion of the course requirements, and recognition shall appear on the transcript, provided that the student has earned the required grade point average.
Grades received for developmental courses may be used to determine eligibility for semester honors. However, they cannot be used to determine eligibility for graduation honors.
Full-Time Status
A full-time student is one who registers for a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. The normal academic load for a full-time student is 15 credit hours per semester. Students taking more than 19 credits must obtain approval from the Academic Dean. Half-time status equals 6.00 to 11.99 credit hours. Part-time status equals .010 to 5.99 credit hours.
Cancelled and Closed Courses
Courses may be cancelled by the College because of insufficient enrollment. The College also reserves the right to set maximum limits on class enrollment.
Graduation is not automatic. Degrees are awarded to candidates in May, September and December. Final application must be made by the first Friday in March for May graduation, by August 15 for August graduation and by the first Friday in November for December graduation. This application may be obtained and filed with the Records Office. The application is also available on the web.
Students applying for two degrees at the same time must submit separate applications (see below). To be eligible for graduation, students must satisfactorily complete all courses required in their curricula, have all transfer credits applied, have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0, and have the approval of the appropriate Department Chair and Dean. Students may not graduate with Incomplete (“I”) grades on their transcripts. All financial obligations to the College must be met.
Graduation requirements in restricted programs (Nursing, Respiratory Care) will be determined by the course requirements stated in the catalog under which the student was officially admitted into the restricted program. In addition, candidates in the Early Childhood Education curricula must complete the Early Childhood academic courses with a minimum grade of C.
Commencement exercises are held in May of each year.
Multiple Associate Degrees
In May, 1978, the Board of Trustees adopted the following policy on earning a second associate degree:
- A student who already holds an academic degree may earn a second degree in a different curriculum at a community college. Such a student shall be treated similarly to a transfer student with respect to the minimum number of credits he/she must take for the second degree. This will require that a student meet all program requirements and earn at least 25% of the minimum requirements for the new curriculum at the College through which the second degree is to be conferred.
- Transfer credit must be applied and appear on the NCC transcript in order to count toward a degree or certificate.
- A student may earn two degrees simultaneously at a community college by fulfilling all requirements as stated in the above paragraph.
- Requests for additional degrees beyond the second require prior approval from the academic dean. Students who receive approval must then complete all program requirements, including earning at least 25% of the minimum requirements for the new curriculum at the College through which the degree is to be conferred.
- Completion of requirements of an additional program option does not constitute a different degree.
Degree Requirements
In order to meet degree requirements, students are required to:
- Complete the minimum number of semester hours of credit in the degree program being pursued along with a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 (see degree program description).
- Complete at least 25% of the semester hours of credit in programs at Norwalk Community College.
- Ensure transfer credits have been applied by checking the unofficial transcript through myCommNet.
- Complete the required courses in the curriculum pursued. In addition, candidates in Nursing and Respiratory Care curricula must complete the clinical and academic courses in those departments with a minimum grade of C. Candidates in the Early Childhood Education curricula must complete the ECE academic courses with a minimum grade of C.
- Fulfill all other Admissions and Records Office requirements.
- Submit a formal Application for Graduation and a Curriculum Checklist to the Records Office, room E102, by the deadline date.
- Fulfill all financial obligations to the College.
Application for Certificates
Those students who complete the requirements for a certificate program of studies with a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 must file an application for a certificate through the Records Office. Students who are applying for a certificate and a degree at the same time must submit separate applications. When a degree and certificate are earned simultaneously, the certificate context must be substantially different.
The College encourages certificate recipients to participate in commencement exercises.
Classification of Students: Definitions
- A full-time student takes a minimum of 12 semester hours per semester.
- A first-year student has completed fewer than one half of the semester hours required to graduate from his/her program.
- A second-year student has completed at least one-half of the semester hours required to graduate from his/her program.
Matriculated Status
Students are considered matriculated at the College if they are enrolled in credit-bearing courses applicable to the requirements of a degree or certificate program.
Advanced Placement/Credit by Examination
- Advanced placement may be granted on the basis of scores on the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Examination as follows: Scores of 3, 4 and 5 are granted exemption and degree credit for equivalent courses offered at the College. The credit value shall be that of the equivalent course.
- Credit may be granted on the basis of scores on the College Entrance Examination Board College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the American College Testing Program Proficiency Examination Program (PEP). The objective of these programs is to evaluate and grant credit for nontraditional college-level education, including independent study, correspondence work and practical experience achieved through employment. General examinations are offered in various subject areas. For specific information, contact the Counseling Center at (203) 857-7033.
- Credit may be granted on the basis of credit recommendations for non-collegiate courses as stipulated in the American Council on Education’s National Guide.
- Credit by examination may be obtained for NSG 101, Introduction to Nursing, by taking standardized tests in May or June. For information, contact the Nursing Department at (203) 857-7122.
- NSG 101 tests are open to licensed practical nurses.
- Applicant must have been admitted to the Nursing Curriculum.
- A $15 fee is required.
- In courses where a CLEP Examination is not available, any matriculated student who has acquired substantial knowledge in a given subject may apply to the appropriate Department Chair to take an examination for credit in that subject. The criteria for passing the exam will be explained to the student prior to taking the exam. A $10 fee for each credit is charged for each examination. Credits earned by examination shall be granted only when the Department concerned agrees that the student has performed satisfactorily. Such examinations may not be repeated or taken to acquire credit for a course previously failed at Norwalk Community College. Unsuccessful attempts to earn credit by examination shall become part of the student’s file. All such examinations shall be scheduled within the first two weeks of either academic term during the regular academic year.
Applicants may appeal this process or individual decisions as they relate to this process to the Department that has responsibility for the subject involved. Final determination is made by the Department in conjunction with the Academic Dean.
Credit for Life Experience
Some adults have, in certain subjects, reached a college-level of education through experiences outside the classroom. This level may have been reached through correspondence study, television courses, independent study, work experience, on-the-job training, vocational training programs and other non-traditional means.
Credit for Life Experience is given to students who can demonstrate learned competency in specific and general areas acquired through life experience that is equivalent to college-level studies. The faculty sees this program as the means whereby adults can demonstrate their achievement and validate the learning they have acquired. (The deadline for submitting an application and completed portfolio is October 15 for the fall semester and March 15 for the spring semester.) For additional information, contact Dr. Kristina Testa-Buzzee,, (203) 857-7220 on West Campus in room W116.
It is important that students apply at least one year prior to expected graduation date. Credit for Life Experience may not be granted in subject areas in which a CLEP test is available.
Credit through Proficiency Exams
If you have already acquired substantial knowledge in a subject, you may be able to take an exam to receive course credit for what you know. Norwalk Community College offers proficiency exams for the computer-based course CSA 105 Introduction to Software Applications. The Faculty Coordinator is Professor Tom Duffy, who can be reached at (203) 857-6892.
Policy on Acceptance of Credit at Connecticut Community Colleges
At all Connecticut Community Colleges, degree and certificate credit shall be granted only for credit courses completed at all institutions within the Connecticut state system of higher education and at all other collegiate institutions accredited by an agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation as either a “Regional Accrediting Organization” or a “Specialized and Professional Accrediting Organization” in accordance with the following:
- Degree and certificate credit shall be granted for all credit courses that are applicable to the objectives of, or equivalent to the course requirements of, the curriculum in which the transferring student enrolls. Credit work that is not applicable or equivalent to curriculum requirements shall be accepted for credit at the discretion of the College. Degree and certificate credit shall also be granted on the basis of performance on examinations in accordance with standards and limits approved by the Board of Regents.
- Degree and certificate credit shall be granted for credit courses completed with a letter grade of “C-minus” or better, or with a grade of “P” (Pass). Such credit courses shall be accepted only for credit, and letter grades assigned by other institutions shall not be recorded or included in computations of student grade point averages.
- Notwithstanding the number of degree or certificate credits which shall be granted in accordance with the foregoing, the student must complete at least 25% of the minimum credit requirements for the degree or certificate through coursework at the college awarding the degree or certificate.
- When a student seeks transfer credit for technical or specialty courses into a program that is also accredited by a national or regional specialized accrediting agency, such credits must be from a comparably accredited program. In the case of a request for transfer credit for technical or specialty courses from a non specialty accredited program, the college shall provide appropriate means for the validation of the student’s competency in the technical specialty courses areas.
Transfer of Credit to NCC
Students who have previously attended another college or university and intend to transfer credits to NCC must follow this procedure:
- Fill out a transcript evaluation request form located in the Counseling Center, room E104. Once the form has been completely filled out, please submit it to the Counseling Center.
- Have an official college transcript sent to the Admissions Office (if you are a first semester student) and to the Records Office (if you are a continuing student).
- Students should request that their credits be evaluated early in the application process by the transfer counselor. For further information, contact the Counseling Department at (203) 857-7033.
Note that institutional credit prevails over transfer credit. Institutional and transfer credit cannot be earned for the same course.
Foreign Educational Credentials
Students who have attended college in another country and wish to transfer credits to NCC must follow this procedure:
- Have your college(s) send an official copy of your transcript directly to the Admissions Office (if you are a first-semester student) and to the Records Office (if you are a continuing student).
- Have your transcript translated into English and notarized. Upon completion, send a copy of your credentials to WES (the World Education Service) who will provide a course-by-course analysis of your credits.
- Fill out an evaluation request form located in the Counseling Department.
Upon receipt of the official course analysis evaluation from WES, transfer credit will be evaluated based on the student’s program of study.
Students may request, on the web through myCommNet, in writing or in person, that official transcripts be sent to other educational institutions or employers. Such requests should include the student’s name used during attendance at NCC, student ID number, Social Security number, dates of attendance and the complete name and address of the agency to receive the transcript.
Official transcripts are issued within 14 working days after the formal request is received. An official transcript is signed by the registrar and bears the college seal. It must be mailed by the Records Office directly to the agency/institution specified by the student.
Any questions regarding students’ education records should be directed to the Records Office. Official transcripts may be withheld if students have outstanding obligations to the College, including tuition fees, library debts/material or unreturned college equipment such as video cameras, etc. No telephone requests for transcripts are accepted.
For current or recent NCC students, an unofficial transcript can be accessed through myCommNet. Unofficial transcripts may be used for internal college activities, such as registration.
Fresh Start Option
The Fresh Start Option (FSO) gives the readmitting student an opportunity to start again without the burden of a poor academic history. Any student readmitted to NCC after two or more consecutive academic years of absence may request to readmit without the handicap of a prior GPA that is below 2.0. This must be done prior to, or during, the semester of readmission.
The FSO awards credit for any course in which a grade of C- or higher has been earned. For courses in which the student previously earned grades of D+ and lower, no credit is awarded. All courses and grades remain on the student’s record and are identified with a carat (^) next to each course. Grades in these courses are not used in the GPA calculation.
GPA is calculated for the FSO student based on coursework after the FSO is implemented. The FSO can be implemented only once for a student. Students who elect the option are subject to the existing residency requirement. A minimum of 25% of the program’s requirements must be completed through the coursework at NCC after the FSO is implemented.
Application to request the FSO is done by way of a letter approved by a counselor or advisor to the Registrar or staff designee prior to or during the semester in which the student readmits to NCC. If so invoked, the student’s academic record will reflect the previous coursework affected by the FSO and the student’s GPA will be calculated based only on coursework from the time of readmittance forward.
Note: A student readmitted by the College under the Fresh Start Option, who seeks readmission to the Nursing Program, must apply through the Nursing readmission process.
Official Enrollment Verification Requests
Log on to myCommNet, click on the student tab, and student records Official Enrollment Verifications are now supplied through the National Student Clearinghouse. Students can print their own Enrollment Verification Certificate via myCommNet two weeks after the semester begins. Log on to myCommNet using your eight digit NetID followed by “” and your password. Follow the prompts to request an official Enrollment Verification. It will connect directly to the National Student Clearinghouse.
Summer School Registration
Norwalk Community College welcomes students from other colleges and universities who wish to make up courses or earn advanced standing at their home institutions. Day and evening courses are offered by the College during the summer.
Credits earned at Norwalk Community College are generally accepted by other colleges, but students are advised to consult their home institutions for information regarding transfer of credits.
Beginning on the first day of each summer session, there are no refunds. We strongly encourage all students to check with the advisors at their home institutions prior to registering for classes.
Summer college class schedules are available in April and may be obtained online via the NCC website. Click on “Course Search.”
Rights of Students to Access Records
The right of a student to access his or her own student records is protected by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, and the subsequent regulations for the act issued by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. United States Code section 1232g(d) states that “whenever a student has attained 18 years of age, or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, the permission or consent required of and the rights accorded to the parents of the student shall thereafter only be required of and accorded to the student.” Parents can have access to postsecondary records of the student if the college official has obtained the signed written consent of the student.
Students may inspect and review their own records subject to the exclusions detailed in the Act prohibiting the disclosure of confidential information contained in records of instructional, supervisory and administrative personnel.
Also excluded are confidential recommendations concerning the student respecting employment or admission to another educational agency or institution.
Financial records of parents of the student or any information contained therein are subject to exclusion as are other special circumstances as detailed in the Privacy Act. The act requires Norwalk Community College to make educational records not excluded above available to the student within a reasonable time after the request is made, but not exceeding a period of 45 days. Officials are instructed to record the name of the student making the request and the date.
Students wishing to challenge the accuracy of their records should present their comments in writing to the College Registrar. If informal efforts to resolve problems fail, a student may request a hearing and address a complaint of alleged violations to:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202
FERPA Directory Information Opt-Out Procedure
If you do not want the College to disclose directory information from your education records without your prior written consent, you must complete a form and return it to the Registrar/Records Office. Your information will not be released from the time we receive your form until the request is rescinded. If directory information is released prior to receiving your opt-out request, the College may not be able to stop the use of your information. Therefore, it is recommended that you file the opt-out form at registration.
The Connecticut Community College System has designated the following information as directory information that may be released to third parties upon request: student names and addresses, full- versus part-time student status, dates of attendance, awards and honors, graduation date and major/program of study.
In addition, the following additional categories of information are designated as directory information for military recruiters: telephone listing, age and level of education.
Please complete the FERPA Directory Information Opt-Out form (available in the Records Office) if you do not wish to have your directory information disclosed to third parties. Upon receipt, your request will remain in effect until such time as you tell us that you no longer wish to keep your information private. Prior to filing your request, please consider all the consequences of opting out. For example, if you tell us not to disclose your directory information to third parties, we will not share your information with anyone (except persons who have a right to see your information under the law), including persons or agencies offering jobs and educational benefits such as scholarships and discounts; media sources; companies that manufacture class rings and publish yearbooks, etc. Also note that if you have requested that we not disclose your directory information but you would like to have your name appear in the college commencement program, you must provide signed written consent prior to that time.
The College will, upon request, furnish information pertaining to retention and graduation rates. Please contact the Dean of Students for this information.
Definition of Electives
College Core Requirement Electives
NCC’s Humanities, Liberal Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and Computer Literacy elective courses are used to meet the College Core Requirements, and are listed below. No course numbered below 100 may be used for credit towards any degree requirement.
Open Electives
Open electives are additional courses students may take to meet graduation requirements beyond their College Core Requirements and specific major requirements. Open electives are defined as any credit course offered by the College with the exception of courses below the 100 level. Selected ESL credit courses may be used as open electives.
Humanities Electives
Liberal Arts Electives
Architecture (ARC), Art (ART), Communication/Speech (COM), English (ENG), Foreign Languages (ARA, CHI, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA), Graphic/Web Design (GRA), Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS), Interior Design (IND), International Studies (INT), Mathematics (MAT), Theater (THR), English as a Second Language (ESL 142 and above), Humanities Electives, Science Electives, Social Science Electives.
Mathematics Electives:
Mathematics (MAT), except for MAT 121 in Transfer Degree Programs.
Science Electives
Biology (BIO), Chemistry (CHE), General Sciences (AST 101 , BIO 111 , GLG 121 , SCI 114 , SCI 295), Physics (PHY).
Social Science Electives
Anthropology/Archeology (ANT), Economics (ECN), Individuals and Society (IDS 220 ), History (HIS), Political Science (POL), Psychology (PSY), Sociology (SOC).
Computer Literacy
Any course above the 100-level in CST, CSC or CSA. Business majors take BBG 114 . Refer to your program of study as computer course requirements may vary in different programs. Students who wish to test out of the basic computer course for non-majors (CSA 105 ) should visit for more information.
ESL Courses
A maximum of six credits of ESL courses may be applied to meet graduation requirements for all degree programs with the exception of General Studies. A maximum of 10 ESL credits may be used to meet General Studies requirements. The ESL courses which may be applied to meet graduation requirements are ESL 142 Reading / Writing IV , ESL 152 Reading / Writing V and ESL 192 ESL Writing Workshop . These ESL credits would be applied as Foreign Language, Humanities, Liberal Arts or open electives.
Course Prerequisites
Many courses have prerequisites which include eligibility for a particular level of English or Math, successful completion of a particular course, or permission of the instructor or Program Coordinator. It is necessary to pass the required prerequisite courses before enrolling in the more advanced courses. Please check the course descriptions in this catalog to determine prerequisites, and if you have met them, before enrolling in a course.
Course Co-requisites
A co-requisite is a course that the student must take during the same semester if not taken previously. Please refer to the course description to determine if a course has a co-requisite.
Computer Requirement
Many degree programs have a requirement of computer skills which can be fulfilled by passing BBG 114 or any CSA, CSC, or CST course.
Course Descriptions
Most courses have been reorganized and renumbered to reflect the common course numbering system of the Connecticut Community College system. Students should not re-enroll in the same course they may have taken previously under the old numbering system. Read the course descriptions chapter of this catalog carefully. It is not possible to receive credit for a course previously taken even though it has a new number.
Interdisciplinary Course Requirement
Students are required to take one designated Interdisciplinary course to graduate. The Interdisciplinary course will meet the College Core requirement in the Humanities, Social Science or Science area. The following courses meet the Interdisciplinary requirement:
Refer to your program of study because Interdisciplinary course requirements may vary in different programs. Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree in any discipline and from an accredited institution, meet the NCC College Core Interdisciplinary requirement.
Types of Academic Programs and Degrees
The College offers transfer and career programs that lead to the award of the associate degree. It also offers programs that lead to the award of a certificate.
Transfer Programs (A.A. or A.S.)
Transfer programs are designed to provide introductory level coursework in a major combined with foundation of general education courses in a variety of liberal arts and sciences disciplines. These are intended to provide the first two years of study for a bachelor’s degree in the same field (or one that is closely related). Degree requirements vary considerably among four-year colleges. Students who wish to transfer should familiarize themselves with specific programs at the institutions to which they may transfer. College transfer catalogs are available in the Counseling Center where counselors can assist in determining requirements.
Modifications in stated curricular requirements may be approved if they are necessary to meet the transfer requirements of a four-year institution. Requests for waivers or substitutions should be submitted to the NCC Department Chairperson for the degree sought. Any substitutions must be approved in writing.
Career Programs (A.S. or A.A.S.)
Career programs are designed to provide the necessary knowledge and skills that will enable graduates to enter the job market or advance in their careers. The curriculum consists of both major and general education courses. Although some graduates pursue bachelor’s degrees, career programs are not designed specifically for that purpose.
Certificate Programs (Cert.)
Certificate programs are designed to provide a career curriculum that is highly focused and limited in scope. Its purpose is to provide the skills necessary for immediate employment in a specific employment category. Some certificate programs articulate with associate degree programs, providing students with a clear path for continuing their studies and earning a college degree.
Requirements for All Associate Degrees
General Education at NCC
NCC is dedicated to the process of preparing graduates for full participation in a dynamic, global environment. The General Education curriculum is designed to create independent learners who are able to think critically across disciplines, interact constructively across cultures, and participate responsibly in society. Such learners are characterized by the following abilities:
- Communication: The ability to articulate and communicate thoughts and ideas effectively through writing and speech, the ability to read within disciplines, and the ability to listen and work in groups.
- Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning: The ability to use the laws of logic, mathematics, and scientific reasoning to solve problems and to demonstrate understanding of scientific phenomena.
- Critical Thinking: The ability to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information within and across disciplines, to draw reasonable inferences and conclusions, and to solve problems and make decisions based on analytical processes.
- Information Literacy: The ability to recognize when information is needed and the ability to find, assess and effectively use that information, as information increasingly comes to us through unfiltered and unsubstantiated sources.
- Ethics and Social Responsibility: The ability to recognize and analyze ethical issues, make and defend ethical decisions, and demonstrate ethical behavior and social responsibility.
- U.S. and World Cultures: The ability to understand the contemporary world and the forces that have shaped and continue to shape it.
- Arts and Humanities: The ability to appreciate artistic expression by understanding and engaging in creative processes.
The College Core Curriculum
NCC’s College Core is intended to develop competence in the general education abilities in each NCC student. The Core consists of courses in a range of academic disciplines and skills areas, as well as ones that cross disciplinary boundaries. Core requirements have been incorporated into all programs at the College.
College Core Requirements for the A.A. and A.S. Degrees (30-32 credits)
ENG 101 Composition
ENG 102 Literature and Composition
COM 173 Public Speaking
Mathematics elective (100 level or higher)
Computer Literacy elective** (at the 101-level or higher)
Humanities elective *
Social Sciences elective*
Science elective* (a course in the biological, physical, or general sciences at the 100-level or above)
Liberal Arts electives* 6 credits
College Core Requirements for the A.A.S. Degree (24-26 credits)
ENG 101 Composition
ENG 102 Literature and Composition
COM 173 Public Speaking
Mathematics elective (100 level or higher)
Computer Literacy elective** (at the 101-level or higher)
Humanities elective*
Social Sciences elective*
Science elective* (a course in the biological, physical, or general sciences at the 100-level or above)
*Students are required to take one designated Interdisciplinary course to graduate. The Interdisciplinary course will meet the College Core requirement in the Humanities, Social Science or Science area. Refer to your program of study because Interdisciplinary course requirements may vary in different programs. Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree in any discipline and from an accredited institution, meet the NCC College Core Interdisciplinary requirement.
**Many degree programs have a requirement of computer skills which can be fulfilled by passing BBG 114 or any CSA, CSC or CST course.
Service-Learning is a process that links academic learning and community participation. Service-Learning at Norwalk Community College has served as a dynamic method of integrating classroom lessons with community action. Each traditional Service-Learning course is matched, based on its course goals and objectives, with organizations in need around the community
The goals of Service-Learning are to:
- Facilitate the development of effective community participants.
- Teach academic content in an applied, experiential, and reflective manner.
- Contribute to the community in ways that build on community identified assets and strengths and address community needs.
Food Pantry at NCC
The Food Pantry is a free resource for all registered students. The Pantry seeks to alleviate the barriers and challenges associated with food insecurity and hunger so that students can remain in school, and ultimately, earn their degrees.
Interfaith Center and the MPQ (Meditation, Prayer and Quiet) Room
Celebrating diversity in all faith traditions, the Interfaith Center provides for the spiritual needs of all the members of the NCC community–regardless of religious history/affiliation, cultural background, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other factor. Primarily for the students, these opportunities are open for all, to involve as many members of our community as possible.
Course Discipline Areas
Course descriptions are arranged by discipline area. The following list gives the Department or Division in which discipline areas are housed, and where appropriate, the Academic Program within the Department that has responsibility for the course.
If more information on a course is needed, please contact the Department Chair/Division Director or the Program Coordinator for that area. A list of the Department Chairs and Division Directors, along with their telephone numbers and email addresses can be found here .
Course Discipline |
Department/Division - Program |
Accounting |
Business |
Anthropology/Archeology |
Social Sciences |
Architectural Engineering |
Art, Architecture and Design |
Art/Graphic/Web Design |
Art, Architecture and Design |
Athletic Coaching |
Wellness Center |
Biology |
Science |
Business Administration |
Business |
Chemistry |
Science |
College Experience |
Academic Enrichment and First-Year Experience Division |
Communication Arts |
Humanities/Communication Arts |
Computer Aided Drafting |
Art, Architecture and Design |
Computer |
Computer/Information Systems |
Construction Technology |
Art, Architecture and Design |
Criminal Justice |
Social and Behavioral Sciences and Human Services |
Drug/Alcohol Rehabilitation |
Gateway Community College |
Early Childhood Education |
Social Sciences - Early Childhood Education |
Economics |
Social Sciences |
Emergency Management |
Extended Studies and Workforce Education |
Engineering |
Mathematics - Engineering |
English |
English |
English as a Second Language |
English as a Second Language |
Exercise Science |
Social Sciences |
Film |
Humanities/Communication Arts |
First-Year Experience |
Academic Enrichment and First-Year Experience Division |
Foreign Languages |
Humanities/Communication Arts |
General Studies (Co-op) |
Co-Operative |
Geography |
Social Sciences |
History |
Social Sciences |
Honors Program |
Honors Program |
Hospitality Management |
Business - Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts |
Human Services |
Social Sciences - Human Services |
Insurance and Financial Services |
Business |
Interdisciplinary Studies |
210 Humanities, 220 Social Sciences, 230 English, SCI 114 Science, BIO 181 Environmental Science |
Interior Design |
Art, Architecture and Design |
Journalism |
Humanities/Communication Arts |
Legal Assistant |
Business - Legal Assistant |
Management |
Business |
Marketing |
Business |
Mathematics |
Mathematics |
Medical Assistant |
Nursing/Allied Health |
Music |
Humanities/Communication Arts |
Nursing |
Nursing/Allied Health |
Paramedic |
Nursing/Allied Health |
Philosophy/Religion |
Humanities/Communication Arts |
Physical Activities |
Wellness Center |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
Nursing/Allied Health |
Physics |
Science |
Political Science |
Social Sciences |
Psychology |
Social Sciences |
Public Speaking |
Humanities/Communication Arts |
Respiratory Care |
Nursing/Allied Health |
Sciences (General) |
Science |
Sociology |
Social Sciences |
Television Production |
Humanities/Communication Arts |
Theater Arts |
Humanities/Communication Arts |
Veterinary Technology |
Science |