Oct 06, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ENG 088 College Writing and Reading

Prerequisite: Appropriate score on placement exam and first-day writing assessment
6 credits (institutional credit only)

This course is designed to build academic reading and writing skills. Course activities and assignments introduce students to the types of academic writing required in college courses. Emphasis is given to developing opinion/support essays using the writing-as-process philosophy. Reading selections, including literature, nonfiction texts, selections from textbooks, and articles in various academic disciplines, are used as writing models and to help students to read, comprehend, and derive meaning more efficiently. Students learn to use active reading techniques to develop an academic vocabulary and improve their comprehension on both the literal and inferential levels. Library resources are introduced, and students are taught how to incorporate citations into their papers. A departmental exit assessment and a portfolio of course writing work are required.